
Spanish and then British possession, Jamaica, which gained its independence in 1966, was for a long time the largest producer of sugar and rum in the world. The island now has five active distilleries: "Appleton Estate", "Hampden", "Worthy Park", "Clarendon", "Monymusk" and "Long Pond". Jamaica produces rums with powerful character and their so-called "heavy" aromatic profiles, derived from long fermentations (sometimes aided by dunder), distilled in "pot still but also "Overproof" white rums which account for three quarters of local consumption. It should be noted that Jamaica sometimes bottles rums to their natural degrees (Cask Strength).

Les Rhums de Tradition Britannique

Rhum Samaroli Jamaica Trilogy 2012 - 2011 - 2001

Deux grands noms pour un trio d'exception ! Lorsqu'un embouteilleur indépendant italien mythique (Samaroli) sélectionne 3 fûts uniques dans la distillerie la plus prestigieuse de Jamaïque (Hampden), cela donne un coffret hors norme, pour une expérience de dégustation mémorable !
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